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I am in awe that you were smart enough to get off this psychotropic drug.

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I have helped several people free themselves from the tyranny of psychiatry. Anti-depressants were made by the pharm to make money and only to make money. Kenna McHugh from Northern California on December 30, 2018: Just wanted to share my experience on Celexa just to verify that this drug is quite the powerful med and if you have the opportunity to try something else such as a natural remedy or even therapy, please try to make the antidepressants a last resort. I’m so scared that this zapping won’t go away so I’m in quite a dilemma. Not sure what to do because I feel that I’d like to try life without antidepressants. I’m afraid they’ll probably put me on another antidepressant like Ephexor or something else. I’m probably gonna go back to the Dr in the morning because I can’t stand this feeling. It frightens me to no end to think what these drugs do to our brains, our way of thinking, the chemicals and what it’s actually doing to us. I’m only in my first day and ppl are talking 6 weeks big this feeling, I’ll go insane! It is the most uncomfortable, uneasy, scariest feeling I have ever had. My thoughts have been to just not go to the Dr and come off the Celexa but after reading some other ppls experiences of coming off, even under Drs supervision of being reduced every couple of weeks is very scary for me. I was driving and it’s very scary because this feeling is very debilitating to say the least. Feeling normal one second and feeling so strange the next second. I’m 4 1/2 days without and it took until this morning, the 4th day for the onset of the “outer body experience “ to kick in and very quickly literally one minute to the next is as quick as it comes on. Here I am 6 years later and found myself in a situation where the Dr won’t refill until I come in for a visit and the store won’t give but 1 emergency supply, which I’ve already had. But, I feared the side effects of coming off the Celexa that I kept taking them everyday. I am always very easily agitated and get mad very easily. So, I continued as the years passed and actually felt as though they weren’t working anymore because a lot of the drastic mood changes had come back, my anxiety and panic attacks I felt we’re back as they were before. I would always make sure I was able to get to my refill early when the symptoms had only been happening for maybe a few hours. My blood pressure would scoot up as well. I would always tell ppl that it feels like an “outer body experience” the way the inside of my head felt. There had been a couple of times where I had missed 2-3 days and like clockwork on that 3rd day I felt just scattered, foggy, and the inside of my head just felt very strange. I have continued to take 40mg everyday, with maybe a few missed here and there. I continued and exactly a month later, almost to the day it finally kicked in and I was better. I wanted to stop taking the Celexa many times but the Dr kept telling me that these side effects would soon stop and I would notice the difference. Then throw in the extreme tiredness, sleepiness and leg cramps on top of it and I was a basket case. I started taking the Celexa and within a week I started to notice a drastic change for even worse symptoms than before. She prescribed me Celexa, buspar and sent me on my way. I went to see my Dr at the time with my list of all the symptoms o had been having down to the shadows, i tried to tell the Dr every symptom o was having. I cried excessively, moods were drastically up one moment and severely down the next, then I might be crying a river over something so minor. I thought it was my mother just haunting me. It got so bad that I was seeing “shadows” or like someone walking by out of the corner of my eye constantly. If you’ve ever been with anyone that works those hours, it gets to be very lonely because they come in after you go to bed and don’t get up until time to go to work so it was just me and my son and the grieving I started to go through. I didn’t start grieving until a year after and I went into a deep depression and would have severe manic moments of thinking of suicide, even tried to but couldn’t because I also had a 7 year old precious little boy I stayed home with as my husband worked 2nd shift.

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I started taking Celexa 6 years ago after a hysterectomy and my mother dying the year prior.

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